Community United, Inc.

Ministers and Community United, Inc.is a non-profit organization that does three events per year for the entire community.
*Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration,
* Applebee's FundRaiser * The Annual BBQ Picnic.
We are committed to improving the quality of life for individuals and families in the City of Stockton and surrounding areas.
We can only do this with your help!
"The broadest, and maybe the most meaningful definition of volunteering: Doing more than you have to because you want to, in a cause you consider good". ~Ivan Scheier
Enrich Your Life by Enriching others.!
For adults (age 18 and over), click on this form and fill out the Adult Volunteer Application Form. Mail to MCUI .
Volunteer Application
Your donation will be acknowledged in several ways. We will list you in our annual program book as well as on any promotional materials we produce. MCUI relies on support of generous donors. Your donation will help ensure the success of our programs which would go toward schoolarship for deserving young girls and boys. as well as our annual events.
Our programs only exist because of the gracious support we receive from people like YOU.
Support our programs!
Ministers and Community United, Inc.
PO Box 5977 , Stockton CA 95205

Your donation will help to improve the quality of life within our communities and enhance educational and economic opportunities for all.. MCUI seeks to serve as a beacon of leadership by utilizing our diverse talents to create an environment where our children are motivated to achieve and to empower our people to become self-sufficient in the economic and social fabric of the communities we serve. We can only do this with your financial support. Be our Partner!
Our programs only exist because of the gracious support we receive from people like YOU.
Support our programs!
Ministers and Community United, Inc.
PO Box 5977, Stockton, CA 95205